Monday, November 22, 2010

This? Is Not Good

My inaugural 5k race is coming up on Thursday.

I haven't been to the gym in 3 days and the way I feel makes tomorrow seem iffy also. I've come down with a cold that has settled comfortably in my chest. I'll spare you the gruesome details, but if my patients coughed up some of the funk I've hacked up recently, I'd be grabbing for a sterile specimen cup.

Lucky for us it's forecast to be 47* and rainy for the race.

In other news I've started my Capstone hours. I've been assigned to work nights on the Transplant ICU at Gargantuan Hospital. My preceptor rocks, so that takes away the sting of not getting to spend the time on my home unit.

Oh and today my wife and I are preparing Thanksgiving dinner for 53 people at a low income housing apartment complex.

Welp, back to the kitchen.


  1.! That's a lot of food. Excellent work! Have a good Thanksgiving.

  2. Good luck on your race. Post an update on how it went.

  3. Thanks Zazzy, I will.

    Raquel, it went well, we had plenty of food. Including a pumpkin pie that truly seemed like a loaves and fishes miracle--the more we served, the more there was left it seemed.


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