Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm Melting, I'm Melting...

Ok, I don't have any flying monkeys as lackeys, and I do get wet on a regular basis (I shower at least once week), but I do feel a bit like I'm melting.

On the treadmill tonight I suddenly realized I was feeling the hem of my shorts brushing my calves, which was an odd sensation--one I hadn't felt before. It was then I realized I was literally running out of my shorts. My athletic shorts were falling off of me. I yanked them back up, but it was just a couple of minutes later that they were sliding again. I had to cinch the drawstring down to keep them on!

Then in the shower after my workout, my wedding ring slipped off my finger and fell to the floor of the shower. Lucky for me, it didn't roll down the drain, because that would've really sucked. Not to mention tough to explain to my wife...

Workout was a good one, 30 min on the hill climb function at a 10 min pace, then I pushed myself an extra two minutes. 706 calories.

Oh yeah, 242.8 lbs.


  1. Way to be a rockstar! I think that's a good type of melting. Congrats!

  2. It's a good feeling... glad to see YOU are noticing the change... typically it's hard to see a difference since you see yourself everyday. Keep on working it! Do work!

  3. That's the only true measure of progress!

    Well done...u inspire me!!

  4. Candice: I hear you're going to be gaining the weight I lose. Congrats!

    Nikki: Thank you, it's been a lot of hard work.

    Will: It's funny, I feel like I'm even more critical of myself as the weight comes off, haha. I want to lose *these* fat cells right *here*. Haha.

    SAMTNS: That's great to hear. If I can inspire people to get active I love it,.I feel so much better these days, I want to share that feeling.

  5. Woohoo! It's always a good feeling to see progress!


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