Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gettin' Busy

So this post will probably be utterly mortifying for my wife, and the few people that read this that know me in person. I can hear her mortal cry now, "Not again!"

It's true, I have been known to open my mouth and say a little too much from time to time. Ok, maybe a little more often than daily. But onward we plunge. If you embarrass easily, I suggest you avert your eyes now--if you can tear them from the impending train wreck, that is.

I'm a pretty insightful person, especially for a guy I think. Although it isn't always considered a particularly male trait, I have a pretty highly developed sense of empathy. And frankly this ability to shift my senses to another person's point of view or frame of mind makes me a better lover. Combine that with my affinity for reading non-verbal cues, and I think I'm rather uniquely equipped to, say, sense a rising crescendo of feelings and sensations as they approach a particular event and resolution. I think my wife is (routinely) a happy woman as a result. So that aspect hasn't ever been a problem.

As tough as it is to admit, it's only fair that I reveal the flip side of that coin--my lasting power (or lack thereof), a distinctly male trait it would seem. The downside of having a creative, experiential mind is the tremendous onset of sensory input when engaging in, well, stimulating activities. I lack the control to manage the onslaught of imagery and sensation, and end up losing myself far sooner than I want.

Well, combine a low dose of Lexapro and a 40 lb weight loss, and I have gone from Speedy Gonzalez to Marathon Man. Ok maybe not Marathon Man, but 10K Man anyway. There seems to be a, erm, size difference as well.

I am absolutely loving what sticking with running has done for me. I feel like I'm gaining my life back, pound by pound.


  1. OMG that last sentence made me laugh out loud! Hahaha!

    Good for you. And your wife.

  2. Hahaha, I really didn't mean that as a double entendre, I swear!

  3. Thanks for making me
    Smile!! Im
    Glad you are seeing improvements from running in a multitude of


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