Friday, October 1, 2010

Second Round Away

Two hospitals I'm interested in were supposed to post positions today. One actually did, which is pretty good considering the job postings are under the direct control of the Dark Side HR department.

So I spent a few minutes filling out the online application, uploaded my super-duper resume, and clicked submit.

Now I've submitted to two of the three hospitals I'm interested in outside of the hospital where I currently work. Of course the one I lack is the Amazing Children's Hospital where I want to work the most of all.

Work still hasn't posted their internship I hope because my manager has taken pity on me, but I still feel that dark cloud of anxiety hanging over me. I've applied elsewhere--which is progress--but I hold no illusions over how quickly, or rather how slowly, HR departments move.

On a brighter note, today I picked up a rather flattering letter of recommendation from a clinical instructor I wasn't altogether sure liked me at all. She was my critical care clinical instructor, so that's a big bonus for my apps.

Kind of a heavy duty week around here. I had a test today, 2 to come on Monday, and a chaser on Thursday. Several projects are looming as well. I work tomorrow also, so that's going to cut in on the study time. And I'm watching the kids--last night, tonight, tomorrow night, and all day on Sunday while NurseXX works or sleeps. But that's par for the course, I'll squeeze in some study on Sunday evening and let 'er rip on Monday like always.


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