Saturday, October 2, 2010

Blew Up Like a Balloon

In weekly weight loss news, my new weight is 256.2. It's only 1 pound of weight loss for the week, but I had slipped back up to 261, so all in all, I'm happy.

My guess is that my Date Night meal did not live up to the advertised caloric content. It seemed like an awful lot of food, and there seemed to be an awful lot of butter for the amount of calories they were claiming. Add to that eating out at Red Lobster on the following Sunday night with family, and my guess is the lies were doubled. I'm guessing that's how I ballooned up 4 pounds from last week's weigh in.

But hard work prevails, and I'm down another pound, net. So really do I count that as 5 pounds in a week?

And I'm never eating out again. Stinkin' liars. Don't they know I'm trying to lose weight here!?

In other news, my new goal calorie expenditures for my workouts is over 600. Previously it had been 400. The treadmills we use calculate calories expended based on weight and the speed of workout. Who knows if it's even close to accurate, but all I know is I'm whipped after spending 600 "calories", so it seems appropriate.

This week I missed a workout on Wednesday because of the recruiting dinner, so I worked out Thursday instead. Then Friday was my regular day, and I was supposed to work out tonight, but I'll put that off until tomorrow. Then I start my new week on Monday. It's surprising how much missing just one workout makes things wonky. Makes me have to work out consecutive days--I keep running out of days.

My classmates keep asking how I possibly have time to be hitting the gym 4 times a week. I tell them that I've just made it a priority. Makes me laugh some of these young kids I go to school with. They don't work, they live at home with their parents, no kids, no marriage, all they have to do is go to school and study. Yet they're the ones that seem to be running behind and constantly complaining how busy they are. I don't get it.

Oh to be saddled with so little responsibility...


  1. When I was in nursing school, I would work out at the gym each day after lecture. It was essential to clear my head before heading home to "responsibility". This was before kids, but I don't think I would have had such a great time if it weren't for working out so much. Plus, I was really buff.

    I'm one of those assholes that really enjoyed nursing school and I hope that others do, too.

  2. Yeah, aside from all the administration's bs, I have enjoyed nursing school.

  3. With the start of med school and having a year's gym membership for £50 (!) I feel pretty much obliged to go a couple of times a week. Couple that with running 3 times a week (I've entered a half marathon in March of next year) and hopefully picking up a martial art, I do something most days of the week.

    It is hard though and I wonder if I'm not neglecting my studies a bit - we have a lot of self-directed stuff that leads you to choose your own level of detail. I dunno, I guess the formative exam in a couple of weeks will help me figure that one out.

    I am in awe of people who balance a full-on family with this kind of study. I'm married, but my wife does her own thing a lot and we're a while away from kids, so it's as demanding as an actual family.

    Still, go you! If you can make it work, that's awesome and I believe a lot of it is self-discipline and desire to make it work.

    As for calories, I run with a HR monitor, to try and a sense of calories burned. A nice bonus is it will beep every Sunday and tell me how much exercise I've done over the week and show me total burnage! Pretty affordable, too, if you go for one of the more basic models :)

  4. well well well... seems a popular topic this week...
    good luck!

  5. AB: You have to maintain a balance between school and real life. It sounds like you have a healthy grip on it. When I hit my goal weight, it will be time to pick up a new activity too. I like the idea of martial arts. Good call on the hr monitor, I'll have to check them out.

    Wil: I had to laugh when I saw your drawing today.


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