Friday, October 22, 2010

Ding Dong...

...the mighty exit HESI is dead.


I'll take it.

Next, skills check-off in an hour.


  1. Exciting, can you explain more about this HESI exam? What does that stand for again??

  2. Zazzy: HESI stands for Health Education Systems, Inc. It's a computerized standardized exam that is supposed to be fairly predictive of how you'll do on the NCLEX.

    Most schools are using it as a tool to bolster their boards pass rate, which is often used as a recruiting tool. For example my school boasts a 98.8% pass rate. That number certainly isn't hurt by the fact that the HESI weeds out potential problem students.

  3. you'd da man!

    don't mind my asking.. what was your percentile?

  4. Conversion score 99.99%, percentile 99.43%.

    Standardized tests are kind of my thing.


Feel free to make a note in the chart. (Of course, please avoid any unapproved or unsafe abbreviations.)