Thursday, October 21, 2010

And Rancorous the HESI Lurks

Posts have been a little anemic lately, but for good reason. Tomorrow I take the dreaded HESI. HESI is basically a comprehensive exam over the whole of nursing school. We've been taking sections of the HESI at the end of each course, and I've typically scored in the 1400-1500 range, so I'm relatively confident. However, the comprehensive nature of this final exam (and the length, 160 questions) has me a little nervous. Which is a good thing I think--i've been buried in my HESI review book and doing online practice tests all week. My school is nicer than some as I only have to make an 850 to pass, and I get 3 chances, but I'd really like to just check this box off and move on.

In other news I have my internship interview on my home unit today. I'm sure I will be given a hard deadline for my decision. This leaves me in a tough spot as I don't have a formal offer from anyone else yet. Today is the 2 week mark of when I was supposed to have heard from individual units at Gargantuan Hospital. Also Level II hospital sent out an email stating interviews for the critical care residency will begin next week. And I have heard absolutely nothing from Awesome Children's Hospital at all, after having applied more than 2 weeks ago. They are appearing less and less awesome as time rolls on.

I bought my gown, cap, and honors cord today.

Anyway, that's a little update.


  1. Ahhhh that's so exciting! The grad part I mean. The HESI seems kind of scary. I think you mentioned it already but I forgot why you didn't want that internship offer. Hopefully you hear back from that one you've been schmoozing for.

    Super good vibes your way, sir! Happy Thursday! :D

  2. Good luck on your HESI!!!

    I hope you hear something from the other places soon. I'm sure everything will work out one way or another. :)

  3. Good luck on the HESI! I'm sure you'll rock it if you did so well on the others. I remember those...scary!

  4. Good luck! I know u will exceed your expectations! :)


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