Friday, October 8, 2010


I finally pushed through and ran 30 minutes at a 10 minute pace/6 mph. 2 minute warm-up, 5 minute cool-down, 3.4 miles, 676 "calories" burned.

Oh, and 252.0 lbs.


  1. Dude. You're dropping parts of yourself. You sure you haven't lost any attached limbs?

  2. SP: Haha, no, all appendages still intact.

    AB: I was rather proud, but some dude came in, got on the treadmill in front of me and ripped out 5 miles at a 7 min pace. It's good to be humbled, haha!

  3. If I did that it would have been 300 calories. SO UNFAIR!!!!!

    Nice job!

  4. RW: Thanks!!

    OMG: One of the few advantages of being a Clydesdale...


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