Friday, October 15, 2010

Four and a Quarter

On Wednesday I had an all around bad day. It should have been a good day. I finished up my management clinical, and then my clinical instructor invited a special guest to post conference. The special guest turned out to be the manager of my first choice unit at Gargantuan Hospital! So while I got to schmooze the manager some more, overall my day was still bad.

It all started with this box of donuts...

I have to leave my house very early to get to Gargantuan hospital at the beginning of day shift, so I typically don't take the time to eat breakfast before I go. When I got to clinical, HR was on the floor to do an inservice on upcoming benefits changes. Naturally, I attended as a part of my clinical experience. Well, she brought donuts. She explicitly offered me some, and not wanting to appear rude (and because I hadn't eaten), I accepted.

And it all went downhill from there.

Before it was all said and done, I had eaten 4 of those puppies. Which surprisingly isn't just a huge amount of calories. However, 4 donuts just isn't very much food, not to mention straight carbs gets emptied from the stomach immediately. So even as the sugar rush washed sickeningly over me, I was still hungry. And then the pounding sugar headache settled in.

After clinical I headed to the gym like I usually do and got on the treadmill. I felt awful. I got 2 minutes into my my first 3 minute interval and had to walk. I then slowed my speed and tried running for time and distance, and didn't make it but 6 minutes more before needing to walk again. I had to do that several times. I ended my workout having only burned 400 calories and running 2.27 miles.

Yesterday was a full day of school work with a major paper to be completed. As the day wore on, I became more and more antsy. I finally succumbed to the call of the gym, and had a fantastic workout. 4.25 mi at a 10 minute pace, 840 calories. Farther and faster than ever before.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I've had those days, attacked by sugar. I can head it off if I can get a good meal asap. Now with all my medical weirdness, I control the sugar high/carb hangover with some vitamin supplements that work surprisingly well.

    Let's hope the manager was properly impressed.

    Tomorrow's another day!

    Death to Donuts!

    P.S. Here's irony for you...I'm totally having pumpkin donuts tomorrow.


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