Saturday, September 18, 2010

They Like Me, They Really Like Me

I found out recently that my classmates have elected me as the student speaker at our pinning ceremony. Fill in the blank nomination forms were handed out to the class in an effort to put together a list of names to vote on. Apparently my name came up on nearly every page, so they didn't bother with a vote.

It's all very flattering. I mean who doesn't love being loved? I was floating high when I found out.

But then it dawned on me, this means I actually have to get up in front of friends and family and sound intelligent.


I've got some ideas, mostly revolving around some cleverly written nursing diagnoses. I'll post my speech for feedback here once it's written.


  1. Abilene Rob had some ideas.... ;) when he delivered his pep talk...
    quite hilarious....

  2. Yeah, read that when he posted. Too funny.

  3. Actually it did not mean they like you, it means they want you to do the speech:- Heh, heh, heh, heh.

    Seriously, good luck with it. It would be nice to see it if your posting it.

  4. Haha, too true. The title was a reference to Sally Field's Oscar speech.

  5. Congrats!! WTG man

    Can't wait to read your speech!

  6. Good luck with that! Remember a little school bashing is funny... a lot is even more funny... I mean unprofessional...

  7. Right on! All that social networking paid off...even if the social networking consisted of occasional beers and pizza over a thinking group outlining the ridiculousness of nursing education. Or working your ass off...


Feel free to make a note in the chart. (Of course, please avoid any unapproved or unsafe abbreviations.)