Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quiz, My Ass!

Today we had a quiz in Community Health. We knew it was a quiz because the instructor told us it was a quiz, not an exam. She told us she didn't want to stress us out, and that it really wasn't a big deal. Admirable sentiments.

Except that it was a big deal. A full 400 pages of text were testable quizable. This grade alone is worth 20% of our overall grade. I've been playing this game way too long to take what an instructor says at face value. Especially when it directly involves my grade. Some of my classmates weren't so situationally aware.

As we entered the room we were met by an instructor with a game face. "Books, bags, and papers to the edge of the room. Hat bills turned backwards. Sit every other seat. Don't even think of looking at your neighbor's paper, there are two versions of the TEST."

There were some shell-shocked nursing students coming out of the classroom at the end of the quiz. Some people hadn't studied at all. It was 33 questions long, just short enough to make every question high value. It was thorough, touching on every bit of the reading. It wasn't particularly difficult, but then I studied.

Quiz, my ass!


  1. Nothing like minimizing the dire. Also, it's honesty supposed to be a nursing value?

  2. We had tests (yes, tests!) every week of my nursing got to the point where the nausea and chest pain just turned into used to it....I still have nightmares .......and it's been 30 years...........

  3. TE: my thoughts exactly. "Do as I say, not as I do."

    KLS: Aw, quit gloating. :)

    CC: Yeah, we get tested pretty regularly. Just more hoops.

  4. I'm sick of tests/quizzes. I want to be done with school. How did you maintain the motivation to keep going when times got tough?


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