Saturday, September 11, 2010

Live Your Duty

Nine years ago this morning I was trudging across the pedestrian bridge at my university on my way to class at 0746 CST. It was an early morning like many before it, but many in America remember with me why that particular morning was significant.

I'm struck by the similarities in my life. It was just yesterday that I trudged over that very same pedestrian bridge on my way to yet another morning of class. Depressing really, to realize I've not really moved forward. I suppose I could make some trite reference to how many life's lessons I've learned; how much wiser I am.

But I don't think I will.

It's true that I have so many blessings over the last nine years to be thankful for. Freedom from a toxic relationship. Marrying the woman I even now so deeply love. Two more wonderfully gorgeous children.

But I'm not celebrating that today. It doesn't fit the sense of melancholy that accompanies this particular date each year. Besides--living, counting blessings, earning, yearning, feeling, breathing life in until my lungs are bursting with the fullness of it--it's my duty.

It's ALL of our duty.

It's our duty as a manner in which to honor those who gave their lives on that day and every day since.

I owe it, WE owe it to those who have forfeited their blessings. We owe it to them to live full and happy lives.

Never forget.

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