Friday, December 31, 2010

Two Words

One word for 2010: Metamorphosis

In 2010 I truly changed from the inside out. I started out as a shell of a person, beaten down and bitter, with no real niche to call my own.

Somewhere along the way I changed from a second chance nursing student to a new, but quickly growing nurse. I went from a me too tag along to a full fledged leader amongst my peers in my own right.

Even in my personal life huge changes took place. I lost over 50 pounds. My marriage solidified. I admitted to and faced my depression.

It was a long hard year, but I've changed for the better.

One word for 2011: Fulfillment

It's time to put my money where my mouth is. It's time to stretch these wings and take flight. It's time to start contributing instead of just consuming. It's time to create a means to engage all these dreams I've been chasing for so long.

So, two words.

Metamorphosis and Fulfillment

Happy New Year!


  1. Good for you! Continued success in 2011!

  2. Fulfillment sounds like a great idea. Best of luck with everything, NurseXY. :-)

  3. It is awesome how people can change. Best wishes for 2011!

  4. I like it! I wish you a great year :)

  5. What a wonderful post!Here's a to a wonderful 2011 and congratulations on a fantastic 2010! : )


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