Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Think I'm Addicted...

...to running that is.

This past Saturday I ran my second 5k, nine days after my first 5k ever. I was a little worried about the weather because a cold front was pushing through. I don't really care about the temperature, but cold fronts around here bring wind, and lots of it. When you're my size and have roughly the aerodynamics of a barn, wind can be a race killer. But a little before race time not only was the temperature in the balmy 50s, there was no wind.

I got in line to pick up my race packet an hour before the starting horn and the line was seriously long, but the people around me were friendly. The time passed quickly and I soon had my race packet in hand. I then headed to the port-a-john. And that's where things went bad.

The grass was wet from the morning mist, and so the floor of the port-a-john was a sloppy toxic mess. There was nowhere to set my race packet while I took care of business. In a flash of brilliance, I opened the door and set my packet down on the ground just outside the door. When I was done, I re-emerged to find someone had stolen my packet.

It was now less than 5 minutes from start time. By the time I found a race official, I barely had time to pin on a non-numbered bib and scribble down my name and address for them to send me an extra shirt if they have any extras. I was seriously pissed, but the starter horn was going off, so I tried to put it all out of my mind and started running.

I started near the back of the pack, and as a result I had my work cut out for me dodging strollers and gaggles of walkers. Before I realized it, I was passing the 1 mile marker. I tried settling into a rhythm but the pace that felt comfortable was way too fast, and I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain it--I was running about an 8 minute mile pace!

The 2 mile marker I was really hurting, and so I made the decision to walk a minute or two, knowing I have a real problem getting started again after walking. I walked for 2 minutes and forced myself to start running again. I pushed onward and finished in 28:44.4 according to RunKeeper on my phone. Since my race timer was in my race packet. That's the real bummer, no official time.

It's almost a 5 minute improvement over previous race. I had a coughing attack after finishing, so I'm not entirely convinced I'm 100% yet.

All in all, I'm happy. I'll take it.


  1. How exciting huh?!! I gotta laugh about the toxic waste you had to step in while going to the bathroom and then getting your packet stolen of all things. Goodness that should've pushed you on to run like a crazed maniac. I think you did a fine job after the second race. Only gets better with time. Keep going!

  2. Welcome to the group of addicts my friend. :-))


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