Thursday, December 30, 2010

Down For The Count

My family and I have had what I can only assume is the flu for the past 9 days.

It started with my oldest daughter bringing it from her mother's house and infecting us one by one. It generally started with horrendous diarrhea, moving to chills, fever, body aches, and in the kids, vomiting.

I haven't run in a week. We haven't had a full night's sleep since a week ago Tuesday. I haven't eaten more than a few crackers since Sunday. I can't stand up without graying out, and I'm in the best shape of any of us.

Right now my son is worst off--instantaneously puking up anything that touches his lips. His poor perianal area is completely excoriated from the diarrhea.

Right now we're just surviving.

We leave for our cruise Monday morning.



  1. Oh man. Sorry to hear you're all feeling so crappy. Sending prayers your way that you get well before your cruise.

  2. Oh, XY. You deserve to have a vacation after all the hard work you put into nursing school. I hope you and yours feel better soon. :-(

  3. Blech... Stomach flu is no good. The only possible good to come out of all of this, is that the scale will be in your favor, I would imagine. LOL.

    Get better soon.

  4. wow, talk about your suck fest. that's a bummer dood, here's hoping you and your feels better soon.

  5. Ugh. I hate the "whole family is sick" thing. My husband, son and I all just went through that with some kind of upper respiratory infection..the stomach flu sounds infinitely worse. Hope you all start feeling better soon.

  6. That so totally sucks. Thinking of you guys.

  7. What?? You're not out running, what on earth! Don't you know the best way to get better is to get out there and "walk on it", just get outside and run, your nasty sickness pukey/poop bugs will leave you in no time. J/K, I'll keep your whole family in my prayers for a speedy recovery for a fun filled cruise! Hang in there brotha!

  8. Gahhhh!

    My entire family (like literally my 3 sibs, their spouses, my 7 nieces and nephews, and my mother) just got through this last week...many of them en route to Auz.

    Hugs to you and your brood--hope y'all are in fighting form again soon!

  9. Hope you guys are feeling better by now. What's going around is real sucky!! Lots O drugs and Gatorade needed, so's you can make your cruise.

  10. Thanks for all the well wishes. We're slowly starting to feel better around here.

    Still pretty weak, but moving about unhindered.

    Going to try and make it to the gym tomorrow. We'll see what happens.

    It occurs to me that a treadmill is a really dumb place to pass out...


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