Sunday, December 12, 2010

Captcha Ninjas

So, a word or two about comments.

First of all, I'm extremely grateful to all of you who take the time to read my blog. It really makes my day when I get comments, and it makes me feel good that people care about what I say and write.

On the other hand, as much as I love getting and reading comments, I'm just as terrible about responding to them. Please know that your comments are valued much more than my lack of responses indicate. I will try to do better. Hmm a New Years resolution maybe?

While we're on the subject, I have some comment commentary: Don't you just hate Captcha? I mean I get why it exists, and I don't fault those who use it, but man it can be annoying. Sometimes they spell words that are funny or a little dirty, but mostly they're just annoying.

The worst of the lot are the Captcha Ninjas. You know them, they are the comment forms that allow you to type in your comment, hit submit, and then.... Wham! Out of nowhere the Captcha Ninja pops up and strikes.

I much prefer the comment forms that let you know up front they're packin' a Captcha. It's nice to know what you're getting yourself into from the start. This way you can gauge if what you've got to say is really important enough to deal with a Captcha form.

So I don't use Captcha on my blog. It's not like I'm so overrun with spam that I can't handle things with comment moderation. NurseXY is a proudly Captcha free zone, so comment away.

But don't let down your never know when those infernal Captcha Ninjas might attack.


  1. Ha ha ha...I thought I was the only person who thought about stuff like this!

  2. From your dashboard, settings tab, then comments tab,.then I think its word verification.

  3. Ya, I took my captcha off mine was REALLY starting to annoy me on I took it off mine......... THANKS!

  4. Sweet, I think I took mine off too. Stank you very much!


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