Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm Back!

After nearly two weeks on the road, I am back. First the cruise to Mexico--amazing--and then a trip to hike the Grand Canyon--amazing!

I'll write up some details and post pictures later.

On the nursing side of things, I start orientation on Monday at my new job. Very excited for this fact. Had a minor freak out when the HR department called me on Wednesday, (when I was 1000 miles from home in spotty cell service), and told me the company they hired to do my background check couldn't verify I had a nursing degree. And I couldn't start unless I could provide them proof I'd graduated by Friday, end of business.


So, a panicked call to my wife, and she ordered a stat official transcript Fed-Ex'd to the HR department ($24.00!!!!) so that I could start work Monday.

Other than that, things are pretty quiet.

Oh yeah. I take the NCLEX a week from today, next Saturday morning at 8 am. My ATT came by email while I was sitting in port waiting to depart on our cruise. So I hurriedly scheduled my exam as the ship was pulling out of port. Lucky for me I got it scheduled before we lost cell service.

Anyway, more posts soon!


  1. Can't wait to hear about your exciting voyages!
    Good luck with NCLEX and orientation. I remember I had a huge issue with my TB test before orientation. My Mom had just passed away, so I was going out of state to see my Dad. There was this huge freakout by HR and employee health that I might not get my TB test read before the start of general orientation, the first 4 days of which there is no patient contact! So I can totally empathize with your transcript ordeal.

  2. Welcome back! Hope you are rested and refreshed and ready to tackle the world!

  3. Hope you enjoyed yourself, good luck with the new job and taking the NCLEX next Saturday.


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