Saturday, January 22, 2011

37 Minutes Flat

Took a little quiz this morning. You may have heard of it...called the NCLEX.

I tried my best to not have any trepidation since it's a standardized exam, and given my track record with the HESI. I have to say though, I did get a little anxious. Probably a good thing given the ramifications.

I got to the test center about 30 minutes early--thank goodness for zero traffic on a Saturday--and there was already a line of people at the door. I pulled number 5 though when we were let in because I was observant enough to read the sign that said "Take a Number Please".

When called to the desk I presented my passport, my drivers license, and my ATT. I got photographed, fingerprinted, and palm-vein-printed. I stowed my things in a locker, subjected to a hoodie-hood search, and then was escorted to a test cubicle. I sat down, stuffed the earplugs in, and took a deep breath. Short tutorial, and then there it was, Question #1.

I forced myself to read slowly and deliberately, focusing on not rushing. Question #2 was a drip calculation, and I nearly made a mistake by trying to move slowly. At that point I said, "Screw it", and just relaxed. I fell easily into a rhythm, and just took the questions as they came. The questions weren't easy, but I didn't think they were terribly hard either. I had to think, but none of them were too difficult to reason out. I was pleasantly surprised that at least two answers of every question were blatantly wrong. There were a lot more "select all that apply" questions than I expected--maybe as much as 20%.

I wasn't keeping close track of the question numbers, and looked up just as I submitted #75... and then the screen went blue.

When I was escorted back out front, the proctors we freaking out. "Done already?! That's a new record!"

Personally I feel like HESI was more challenging because it was much more in depth and detailed on each topic. Of course I don't know for sure that I passed NCLEX yet, but I don't think I'll be losing sleep until I do get results.

One less thing to worry about.

Now to get back into the gym.


  1. **spoiler alert** BIGGEST NERD EVER! What?? You finished the NCLEX on question #75 and the proctor was all excited about your time! Boy...fairy tale dreams really do come true, just ask you.
    Well ya done good man! Double congrats to you!

    Now get back to the gym and quit sluffing off. :-)

  2. Like I have said in the past....I wrote the NCLEX 10 years after my Canadian RN's and it was more or less an "english exam".

    I commented to my cousin that anyone off the street could probably pass....

    I know they do it much differently now - with the computers, but it seems the questions are still similar....

    Glad you did so well!

  3. Same thing happened to me when I took NCLEX... I did it in 30 minutes, the proctors had the same, shocked reaction and told me they never seen anyone take it that fast. I promptly cried the whole way home and convinced myself I failed until I saw my name on my state board of nursing website!!! Congrats!

  4. Just wanted to say congrats on the new job and love your blog! I've been a lurker for awhile now. I hope to one day work as a critical care nurse as well.

  5. Hey! Do the NCLEX re-registration trick on Monday! :)

    Congrats. In my experience with everyone I talked to in my graduating class, if you finished fast with 75 questions and you don't think you failed, then you passed for sure.

  6. I see an RN license in someone's very near future [um...that would be you]. :)

  7. Good for you! Time doesn't matter, just that name on the BON website.

    I hope your state updates in a timely manner. One of my friends passed on 75 questions and they had issues in our state and couldn't update for a week.

    Poor thing was a basket case!

  8. Good job man I know you did well!

  9. I hear if you are doing well you get the hard questions which are the SATA questions as a majority and priority questions.


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