Thursday, January 27, 2011


So apparently I raised some official eyebrows with my NCLEX sprint.

It turns out my test is being audited. After doing a little research, it appears that although PearsonVUE "regularly audits a random number of exams and exam results," they also hint around a closer inspection of "exams that may demonstrate signs of irregularity."


On another note, I was finally able to take my state's online jurisprudence exam after the website was down all weekend.


  1. if you look around on the internet, you can find a LOT of others that finished the test at 75 questions. I think where your test is "red flagged" is the number of minutes it took you to do it. Most finished in one hour....if what you read is truth. Correlate that with the probability you got most of the questions correct...well.....RED FLAG. I guess a genius is an anomaly..... :) you should be flattered!:)

  2. Congrats on acing the exam. I agree with CC--you were flagged for your speed AND agility in NCLEX land. =)

  3. Ooooooooooh, you're in troubuuuullll......

  4. Yup, you are officially unbelievably smart per the NCLEX. You should put this on future resumes if you ever decide to switch hospitals.


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