Friday, July 16, 2010

Hodge Podge

Sorry for the lack of posts, but my wife called in to work last weekend, so evenings I normally would have spent writing blog posts, I spent in family time instead.

Work has been super busy, and I've been working a lot. I'd been assigned a preceptor as an extern, but in the short term she's precepting an actual intern. Normally I hang out with her for the majority of the time I'm at work, with a few exceptions. These days though, since I'm an orphan, I spend more time with more people. I can tell they're beginning to trust me more by the simple fact I'm being sent into rooms to take care of increasingly complex nursing tasks by myself. It's gratifying, really.

"NurseXY, can you go change the chest tube dressings on bed 12?"

"NurseXY, bed 7 needs their central line redressed, do you mind?"

"NurseXY, can you go pull the femoral sheath on bed 4?"

It's nice to be used for more than blood sugars and turns. I seem to be pulling copious amounts of femoral sheaths lately. Most likely it's because the sheer enormity of my hay hooks is enough to scare even the most persistent hematoma into submission. That and when the doc specifies a particular time to pull (instead of relying on a bedside ACT), I have the strength to actually will the femoral artery to clot, simply by applying enough constant pressure to physically push the patient through the bed. It turns out it may actually be possible to return the blood from two trays of 4x4s and a washcloth soaked through back to the patient if you push hard enough...

Running is going pretty well. We're nearing the end of the second week of Week 4. The first workout of Week 5 seems almost like a step back, but the subsequent workouts definitely up the ante.

I had a hiccup last week where I wasn't able to finish a workout. I'd gone to the gym immediately after a counseling session, and unfortunately that was all I could think about on the treadmill. Oddly enough, even when said in a "safe" place, incredibly hurtful things are still hurtful. Especially when they come on the heels of laying your heart and soul bare to highest level of vulnerability. Fortunately, 2 days later I was able to complete the workout without problem, and at a faster speed yet. I'll not be going to gym after counseling again. Too painful. Too many kinds of pain.

That's all for now I think. More soon. Sorry it's not witty or particularly interesting.


  1. Hang in there....sometimes it takes a bit of pain to get where you need to be. I have gone thru a lot of that same kind of pain and looking back, can hardly believe I have don't give up. :) Take care.

  2. You're definitely getting some great experience!

  3. I think some hurtful things don't need to EVER be said, imo. It was in/through counseling where I learned things so hurtful, that it was beyond repair. I guess in the end it was a good thing...but they're battle scars I fear will never heal though.


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