Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Exhibit A

I give you Exhibit A--the reason I haven't posted lately. My dear laptop got knocked off the arm of the couch, and though it fought a valiant battle with the floor, in the end even with the upgraded carpet pad, the concrete slab was just too much and the laptop succumbed. While we're careful not to unjustly accuse or falsely lay blame, two exuberant children were seen in the immediate vicinity of the scene of the crime when the incident allegedly took place.

All I have to say is they're lucky they're stinking cute.

We have a desktop also, but it's in our bedroom, and I typically have blogged when my wife is asleep during the days on the weekends, so that just doesn't work.

The budget is pretty tight this summer, so I just don't know when I'll be getting another laptop. I don't dare come within 100 yards of my blog at work, and I'm pretty leery of the same on school computers. I guess what I'm hinting at here is that my posts may be a little spotty for a bit.

Hmmm, where to start--I have so much to tell.

  • Running is still going well. I had a week where I only got 2 workouts in, 5 days apart due to family in town and not feeling well, and that really set me back. My previous best had been 25 minutes straight, and I was struggling to make it 20 again. But on Monday I pushed through and ran for 30. That's exciting.
  • My wife and kids are out of town with her mom and two of her sisters visiting extended family. They've been gone since Sunday, but they're coming home today! My wife's grandmother hadn't yet met our youngest, and I'm happy to report he passed granny-inspection.
  • Work has been difficult because of the type of patients we've had come in, but I'll post more of that later.
  • Remember me talking about this hospital? Well, I got an email a couple days ago advertising a "Nursing Open House", so I left work early and attended. Open House in the work world doesn't mean the same thing as Open House in the elementary school world. This wasn't a "Meet the Teacher" night, it was a straight up job fair. I was of course completely out of place in my scrubs, and no I didn't have copies of my resume with me. Not that it mattered anyway, I was still "too early" to start applying for new grad positions. I did however get to meet the woman in charge of the ICU Internship, and got her email address. They post those positions the 2nd week of September, so don't think I'm not checking their website 3 times day. Yes....I know it's still August.
  • Umm yeah, August. 18 days in a row over 100* and forecast another 4 this week before any relief. This is why every summer I vow it will be my absolute last this far south!!
Eh, that's enough to chew on for a bit. Assuming I still have readers of any kind. I'm going to try really hard to post more, promise! And read, and comment on other blogs!


  1. I hear ya on the heat! Good luck on that intership stalking!

  2. Omg your poor laptop! I hear you about not blogging on other computers that could access your blog .... AND yes you still have readers!!! :) always enjoy your blog.....and good luck with the internship..!!

  3. Sorry about your laptop--mine is also out of commission, so I feel your pain. And good luck landing that internship--I'd be doing the same "stalking" LOL.

  4. how do you like your job so far as a nurse?
    i saw the links to your blog from a blog by a nurse that hates nursing.

  5. Timothy:

    I truly enjoy the profession so far. While I definitely don't believe it's for everyone, I think it's a noble profession worth investigating if you have any interest at all.

  6. Ouch! I'll miss your updates until you can start posting again!!!


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