Friday, August 27, 2010

Orbs of Normalcy

Just spent my textbook money on a doctors visit and an SSRI prescription. Despite my holistic beliefs, I join the millions of medicated Americans.

Are our lives really that bad?

Hoping it makes a difference. I'm so very tired of the daily colossal battle to just be functional. Is it too much to dare hope to not have to struggle merely to exist?

Meanwhile I help make the makers of Lexapro rich. And in the process give up my love for well-crafted wine, beers, and Scotch.


  1. What to do. I don't mind saying that I struggled with depression for 30 or more years. I have tried some of the antidepressants and I have to sadly say that they didn't work for me. Perhaps I didn't really give them a chance. But that doesn't mean they won't work for you. But - whatever you do - don't give up. After years of depression, I am the happiest I have ever been, and am on no meds at all anymore. (could have been hormonal for me) It was a struggle, believe me...and I feel for u. I know u will come through the other end of the tunnel....I am rooting for you.

  2. Hey, there's no shame in trying to take care of yourself. SSRI's can sometimes be really helpful, so I say do what you need to do.

  3. Thanks for the support. It's been tough. I feel like starting a prescription is in some way admitting that all these problems are my fault. Now THAT is a tough pill to swallow.


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