Friday, April 16, 2010

The Beginning

Well, this is the beginning.

It occurred to me today that in exactly 8 months from this day I will be graduating from nursing school. It feels so far away, like a distant mirage shimmering on the horizon, but the road behind me is far longer, and more treacherous. So many hours of class, days of clinical. So much worry, stress, fear. So many new experiences, successes, and confirmations.

My experiences as a male in a vastly female dominated profession range from silly to downright scary, with the full spectrum in between.

For the most part I think I'm better for the journey.


  1. And your blog title can be a play on words. I thought at first you were referring to be a sexy nurse. Hee hee.
    Welcome to the new blog site. Nurse Sexy. ;)

  2. Haha, I know! Serendipitous, wouldn't you say? :)

  3. Re: nurSEXY--Hahaha!

    Hi Drofen, thanks for checkin on me. Great to peek in here and get updated on you, too! I'm graduating in 3 weeks so I'm swamped and terrified of my imminent propulsion into the real world. I'll F/U with you later!

  4. Andrea--I'm glad to hear you're still around. Best of luck with graduation! And congratulations!!

  5. 8 months will go by faster than you think!!! :) Don't worry about the hormone charged environment you will be working in....we really do appreciate y'all. The Alternate Gender is my fav work mate! ;)
    Actually, I found that "real world" is MUCH better than the "student world" have lots to look forward to.... :)


Feel free to make a note in the chart. (Of course, please avoid any unapproved or unsafe abbreviations.)