Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Night nurse: (Flopping chart down on desk, and sighing dramatically.) "The shit really hit the fan with this patient last night!"

Me: "Oh really!? What happened?"

Night nurse: "Well one minute I was looking at the monitor and her heart rate was in the 90s, and then the next minute she was in the 130s! All I did was turn her! She totally went into a-fib with RVR!!!!"

Me: "Uh huh, then what happened?"

Night nurse: "Nothing. It was really BAD!"

Me: "....oh."

(76 y/o female patient in the ICU for COPD exacerbation, on 5mcg/kg/min of dobutamine for her heart failure.)


  1. Happy to see you back. Inspires me to write again. This semesters been difficult to say the least and I gotta get out my frustrations! Looks like you've been busy, keep up the good work of writing it down for us to read.


Feel free to make a note in the chart. (Of course, please avoid any unapproved or unsafe abbreviations.)