Friday, October 28, 2011

Where Has All The Goodness Gone?


At home in the living room.

Kids in bed. Wife at work.

And I'm searching for the good. The TV is on--an episode of HouseHunters International. A woman is moving to Paris after battling Stage 3 breast cancer and losing her husband over the last year.

She's looking for the good.

When the show is over, she's happy in her new apartment in a beautiful, romantic city.

My eyes scan the shelves of movies we own, and come to rest on "The Sound of Music". It doesn't get much more good than that. My mind examines why this is? It was a time when there was a definite line in the sand. On this side was the bad. On this, the good. One was the enemy, or not.

70 years later it looks pretty black and white.

But what if the enemy is within?

Where has all the goodness gone?

I live in a comfortable home--a dream completely out of reach for many. Yet I want to move. I long to live in another place. Anywhere but here, really.

I have a job--the deepest desire of many. It used to afford me moments of joy. Delight in saving lives. But now I struggle to tiptoe through each shift worried more that I will do something that will get my hand slapped, or worse.

I am married--and so many are so alone. But I struggle to maintain even the simplest lines of communication. The specter of my insecurities and past hurts and grievances shadows over all.

I have kids--while so many are desperate to bear children of their own. One child that no longer wants to live with me. And my bearish tendencies and low patience threshold send the other two to my wife's welcoming arms.

I feel so very grey.

Where, oh where, has all the goodness gone?


  1. You obviously have some goodness in your soul. You wouldn't even be reflecting on it if you did not. I am still kind of new at this Christian thing. But some more experienced Christians tell me it is the enemy trying to get a foothold in your life when you start doubting yourself.
    It is simply human nature to always want more, something different. If you were completely content in your life...that would be very weird. You sound like an excellent nurse. And even the best fathers get their bear on sometimes, sending the kids into their mother's arms. I'm sorry you are struggling in some ways. I can certainly relate. Take care.

  2. The key to finding goodness is gratitude. You named at least seven good things above. The good will always, unfortunately, come along side the not-so-good; the ugly-beautiful. Whether or not we see our lives as 'good' depends on whether or not we choose to be thankful for the good while we embrace the very real pain that often appears at the same time. I agree with Raquel that you have some goodness there, otherwise, you wouldn't have take the time to notice.

  3. You can turn this around. Wake up tomorrow and ask yourself, "What can I do to make my wife/kids happy today?" And then do it, but don't announce it. They get happier, and you will too.

  4. Sometimes a change can be good. I'm not saying to pack up and leave for Paris, but it sounds like something or someone needs to change in your life.

  5. Patience is a virtue. Oh, how I have hated that sentence my entire life, and still. I'm antsy there with you friend. We will both find our ways. Hang in there.

    By the way, love the new look. I know, you may have had it for awhile, but I'm sad to say I haven't checked in. Catching up now.

  6. You have it. You just listed it.

    But if you want a different life, then you have to make it happen. But do so responsibly and considerate of your loved ones.

    At least you are aware of your blessings. So many aren't.

  7. "I feel so very grey."

    Then try to look for the light that will color your life, eh. It seems that you are aware of the things that you have but you still feel empty. Blaise Pascal once said there is an empty vacuum in the heart of man that only God can fill. Anyway, I'm not trying to preach here, eh. Just want to say that every man happens to experience this at one point of our lives. But the question is what will be our response to what we are feeling? Hope you'll be well soon. :)

    Peny@Mother Robin Lim: 2011 CNN Hero of the Year

  8. How you doin' buddy? It's been a while since you posted. Wondering if you're ok.


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