Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Perhaps it's just been a break to catch my breath. Perhaps memorializing everything in black & white electrons here on this blog meant I had to sort through and deal with everything that's been going on--which I just didn't want to do. Perhaps I've just been lazy.

I don't know.

But here I am, first post in nearly a month. I'm not sure where to begin, but I'll try.

In short, my depression came raging back, despite the SSRI I've been taking. I'm fairly certain it's probably because I just quit running cold turkey. My trip to the Grand Canyon (although a life altering experience) injured my knee making it very difficult to run without pain. Add the insane schedule of my internship, and the thought of a painful gym session was much less than appetizing. Or maybe depression just does that--returns without invitation to steal away joy for no reason at all, to just laugh its evil giggle while I foundered and gasped and struggled.

Regardless the reason, I slipped again into the deep, dark pit of loathing. My wife disengaged because it's easier to get wrapped up in kids and work than deal with an embittered bastard of a husband cloaked in the throes of desolation. My kids were driving me up the wall. Church ceased to salve my soul. My friends disappeared because I was always working or sleeping. Work sucked, but amazingly it just sucked the same amount and actually became relatively tolerable.

The breaking point came the night that I had an extremely vivid dream where I awakened in an unknown place. By the time I pieced things together I realized I had been committed to a mental health facility. As I lay there trying in vain to orient myself, mind befuddled in a medication hangover, my wife appeared in the doorway.

Cheerily she said, "Oh great! Look who's awake!"

My relief in seeing a friendly face was quickly replaced with abject horror over the realization she was there as an employee, not as a wife. She actually worked on the unit.

I was then accused of sleeping with my "hands under the blanket, again", with a knowing shake of the head. She left the room as I lay there trying to understand what that could possibly mean, why it was bad, and how I could prevent myself from putting my hands under the blanket while I slept...

I followed her from my room into the large common area to discover her sitting at a table with the other nurses, chattering away and laughing at some unheard story of levity.

The dream was wrong in so many ways, and couldn't happen in real life, but I cannot even begin to express the vividness of the dream or the feeling of betrayal...

Regardless it galvanized me to action, and I began taking double the dose of my SSRI, and now a couple weeks later, things seem to be smoothing out a bit. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when my 3 month supply is gone in a few weeks rather than a few months.

I need to return to exercising, but I'm finding it difficult to force myself.

Anyway, I'm back. Thanks for all the concern. I hope the next post won't be quite so long in the making.


  1. Oh wow, I am so sorry. I know all to well how depression can cripple you. I can only imagine how it's impacted on a life with so many facets.

    I hope your knee recovers - chances are it will, you'll just have to give it time :)

    And as for the SSRI dosing, I hope you have an understanding GP - someone who'll recognise that your self-medication is not substance abuse or something equally bad.

    I wish you all the best. And thank you for such an honest post - I'm sure it wasn't easy.

  2. Holy balls! XY, I'm sorry to hear of the return of your depression. I'll pray that your life can get a little more level and that this supply of meds can hold you until you can see your doc for something different or stronger. Try to take things one day at a time and one minute at a time. To make light of your dream, kind of sounds like a chapter out of One Flew over the Coo-Coo's Nest, but in a good way. It’s nice to see you back.

  3. Depression is tough and it sounds like you realized what was going on, which helps you combat it.
    Best of luck in getting back to the person you want to be.

  4. Make an appt with your GP now rather than when you run out of meds. They need to know what happened. If the SSRI isn't working on its own, you might need a psychiatrist to help you, and it takes time to get the meds right sometimes.

    As for running, why not start with a run-walk. Just tell yourself that you have to be out at least walking for 20 minutes. Run as much as you feel up to. It'll be easier on the knee, anyway.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  5. I was so pleased to see you posting again, I am sorry to read about how things have been going for you lately.

    I know plenty of nurses (myself included) who went through depressions in the first year of nursing. I haven't looked to see if there is literature on the phenomenon but I think whatever it is, plus your change in exercise must be a LOT to grapple with.

    I hope you have a good MD (and the support of your friends and family) to get you through this.

    Sending prayers and hugs,


  6. Oh man, it does seem like things are pretty rough for you right now. I'm really sorry. I hope you found some sort of solace through venting via blog forum. It is nice to read what's been going on with you. Thinking and praying for you, my friend.

    On a positive note, Please know you were instrumental in piquing my interest with the realm of ICU nursing. Interesting that you wrote the comment on my blog yesterday.....and if you read my post today, you'll see why. Thank you.

  7. Yay. Been there, and it sucks. The only advice is to keeping through. It will get better. Really --- and keep writing, even if it's for your own consumption.

  8. Yes, I second the other commenter...please see your HCP or a psychiatrist to get your doses right.

    Hope all goes well for you. Will pray it does.

  9. I'm sorry and I feel your pain!!! Just gotta keep on keepin on. I've been in 3 accidents and it's always hard to get moving after each injury. If you like to read about strange medical cases check out my medical related blogs.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about what's been going on! I'm glad that you're starting to feel better, but I think I will just echo what others have previous said -- make sure you get to your HCP and explain what's going on.

    In regards to the knee, if you just feel like you need some exercise and running hurts to much, maybe try swimming. It's always helped me in the past (I have a back injury) because it's non-weight bearing and it gets your blood pumping!

    Hope you feel better all around soon!

  11. Mirror the swimming comment. And dude, I wish I'd gone through your older posts first. This is heavy, bro. I have people important to me who live with and deal with similar challenges. Never easy, and always rewarding to follow through. And sometimes dreams let us work through some nasty, although they can be rough to feel.

    I'm a big believer in self-medication through exercise. It doesn't do what some medication can do, but it can sure help. I know I feel like a person more often than not when I get my ass to the gym and do what I know feels good. Maybe an email reminder/support system?

    Keep pushin'. It's worth it.

  12. I'm glad you felt better (and hopefully still do). Depression alone is hard, and realistic dreams can be burdening even without feeling bad in the first place. Good luck with getting the meds well adjusted in the long run (I assume that might have happened by now).

    As for the knee... what about bicycling? I think the strain is better than from swimming (although it might depend on the specific issue of your knee).


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